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Get comfortable — your kitchen is your new living room

You’ve returned from the grocery store after plunking down $150 for food to feed your family for the week. Now, it’s time to get cooking. But then life distracts you — work, the soccer schedule and the dog has to go to the vet. And, what bothers you most is that...

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Meet a Vegan Ninja: Sapna Von Reich

What is a vegan ninja? Someone who eats vegan and is also awesome, basically. Get to know some amazing people while they share what eating a plant-based diet means to them. Meet Sapna Von Reich. Sapna Von Reich is a certified Physicians Committee for Responsible...

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Getting kids involved in meal prep teaches good skills

It happens at every family dinner table. The adults are ready to dig in, but the kids look at what’s being served and ask, “Are we supposed to eat THAT?” Whether you have picky eaters or kids who don’t appreciate all that goes into making a meal, one of the best...

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Share your favorite foods to celebrate Thanksgiving

Each Thanksgiving the rituals of gratitude abound. Yet gratitude should be a year-round perspective! To be mindful, to be kind, and to be positive enhances every day and every meal. Sharing your favorite foods and recipes is a thoughtful way to reach out to others —...

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Simple and effective food rules

If your New Year’s food resolutions seem overwhelming, plan to read Michael Pollan’s best-seller, “Food Rules.” You will find his food guidelines straightforward and worth considering. Here are a few of my favorites: Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother would not...

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Plant-based diet can do you good

Don’t just “kickstart your heart” during February, but plan to make healthy eating part of your Food for Life daily plan. Sapna Von Reich, a Fort Collins Food for Life instructor, offers valuable, life-saving nutrition information at her classes. Sapna explained how...

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